our church (the Vineyard Church of Milan) is trying to practice some of what we've been studying in the book of Acts about listening to the Holy Spirit (specifically from Acts 13, the sending of Saul & Barnabas). to that end, some are endeavoring to try out this "good news by 2s" idea. hopefully, those who join in the practice can leave a comment describing their experiences along the way.
by way of reminder, or heads up for those new to it, here's the details of the project:
1. Partner up with someone. Someone in your small group, your ministry team, your neighborhood, another family, whomever you wish.
2. Together, ask the Holy Spirit to send you somewhere, to someone in need of good news. Listen, as best you know how, for the Spirit to speak. Maybe take a day to fast while you're listening. Compare notes and take a best guess about where you're being sent. Pray some more after you think you know. Take a week to do all this. Unless, you know, the Spirit tells you different.
3. Together, creatively and faithfully decide on how to announce, demonstrate, or embody good news where you've been directed. Brainstorm, pray about it. Let it flow from who you are: you're an image-bearer of God, after all. Doesn't have to be complicated. No strings attached is probably best – it's supposed to be good news, after all.
4. Aim for giving something a whirl, together, by June 14th, if possible. Leave a comment here about how it all goes, so we can learn from each other.