one step closer is my dad's new blog...its address is pretty easy to remember, if you know my dad's name:
so far, in the course of about 10 days, he's been both prolific and interesting, so I'm sure you'll find something worthwhile if you check it out. I'm not entirely sure if he's figured out how to moderate comments yet, but leave him one anyway, and we'll see if they start showing up :)
here's a bite sized chunk to give you a taste:
Today, parking on “desire” in the second verse of the first psalm. Happy is the person who sustains a choice of negation–not pursuing the path of the wicked, the offenders, the scoffers. But instead attaches desire to the Lord’s teaching is the sense of the first two verses. Attaches desire. A raw word-experience. Came to me in prayer, John Lennon’s song (white album, i think): I want you. I want you so bad. I want you. I want you so bad, it’s driving me mad, driving me mad. That’s some kind primal of fixation, mediated by what, the amygdala, part of the emotion system in the brain, a deeper in structure of the brain–not the part we do math with, either. Lennon wrote that, I guess, about his desire for Yoko Ono. Which was so strong it was in the process of breaking up the Beatles, if I understand it right. What did he see in Yoko Ono? No one really knew. People around him didn’t see what he saw. Desire. This morning, parking the brain’s awareness on desire, which I have known. Not for Yoko, obviously. Affixing that raw human energy-intention-feeling on the Lord’s teaching. I don’t know how that happens, but it does, or can. God grabs your attention-desire like Yoko Ono grabbed John Lennnon’s. This morning, mainly parked there with an awareness of that. Not fancy, I know. Lectio.