it's been a great week though. very peaceful, all things considered. i was able to take most of the week off of work, which was very helpful. Ronni's feeling much better so far than she was was at the same time after Colin's birth. Caring for Elle has been very relaxed. not sure if it's because we feel more comfortable, or if it's just that she's really easy going. a number of veteran dad's have encouraged me by saying that she'll make up for it in her teenage years.
Colin's the kind of big brother i wish i had been with my first sister. doting, gentle, loving, eager, protective--the whole 9 yards, to really misuse the expression. Elle recognizes his voice and searches him out with her eyes whenever she hears it.
Eva, a friend from church, tells us that people from the church have arranged to make meals for us all month long. amazing. can't imagine having a new baby and not having such a great family and great church. we've had an extraordinary number of gifts and phone calls and cards and offers of help. my sister Amy stayed the night once this week just to take care of Elle and deliver her to Ronni when she got hungry, and take her back when she was full. thanks, Ben.
several cards we've gotten have included prayers for us and Elle. there's something cool knowing the blessing Elle is surrounded with as she enters this broken world. surely goodness and mercy are already already following her.
had to take her for a blood test earlier this week. forgot that i get faint when blood is drawn. thankfully, held it together and didn't pass out. that would have been really embarrasing. oh well, i'm sure i'll find other ways to embarrass her down the road...
i'm wordless
Thats a great picture!
Tell Ronni I said hi.
My goodness what an adorable baby!!!
God Bless YOU all!!! I hope all goes well :)
Oh yes and a Happy Healthy New Year!!! :)
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