[edit: somehow, the picture wasn't showing up before...sorry about that!]
probably passed this sign hundreds of times in the last 23 years since we've been coming to Long Lake. just noticed it for the first time yesterday. thought of too many great captions for me to pick one, so i thought i'd let you come up with your best and drop them in the comments section. leave your name as well, so that i can award a $5.00 itunes gift certificate to the best entry. Ronni will make the final decision about the best caption (i'll tell her what they are without giving away your names, so she can judge without extra bias) when our vacation is over. have fun...
all streams lead to Thunder Bay Urology...
- dad
when maximizing bladder capacity is your aim...Thunder Bay Urology.
- dad
when maximizing bladder capacity is your aim...Thunder Bay Urology.
- dad
"All your sperm count at Thunder Bay Urology"
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