what a whirlwind! speeding to the hospital with Ronni and Eva (good friend and birthing helper), honking at cars inconsiderately in the way until they gave way, watching lights turn green almost on command, and ignoring the ones that didn't, arriving 6:36 p.m. to a waiting wheelchair and team of nurses who whisked us upstairs into a prepped labor and delivery room.
Ronni - simply phenomenal amidst the hubbub and intensity of the moment. grace under pressure until Micah arrived at 6:54p.m. wow. that was fast. wow. a holy moment; he's amazing. we're overwhelmed, thankful, still taking him and it all in.
all is well, and all are well. well, well, well. thanks for the many prayers and the many helpers helping in so many ways.
1:24 a.m., and I'm hitting the sack. Don Bromley from the Ann Arbor Vineyard is preaching at church in the morning, so I can rest easy.
Congrats! I am so happy to hear that everyone is doing well
p.s. i have stalking your blog waiting for updates so i was so happy to see one this morning!
Please tell Ronni and Micah "hi from the holts"
awesome!! congratulations to you and ronni.. give ronni and micah our love...may you all be richly blessed...
Congrats Wilson family! We are so happy to hear that everything went well and everyone is doing great. I hope by now you are all back at home finding solace in familiar surroundings. :)
Welcome home baby Micah.
We can't wait to meet him :)
Love, The Smiths in Milan
Hey Jesse, Congratulations!!!!! Glad to hear all is well. Be blessed all.
We Love you guys, Dave, Kathy and Stephanie Wolf
Wow! What great news! Congratulations to all the Wilsons on the newest member of the family, wish I could have met him, but I'm just glad he came safely and healthily! Please tell Ronni and Micah I said hello from Ghana :) Can't wait to see you all the next time I'm home!
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